Monday, August 27, 2007 like the drunk at the bar

Hi my name is William Martin, I am a senior at Cornell University. I study Communication but more specifically Information Technologies. Cornell University is located in Ithaca NY which I also happen to be a native of. In my time growing up in Ithaca NY I have been through many journeys, a common bumper sticker you will see around here is “Ithaca NY 10 square miles surrounded by reality” I guess I could be considered one of those that make Ithaca what it is. According to some at Cornell I have “weird” piercings for a guy and sometimes but not always dress completely different then the rest of the student population here at Cornell. I know I am not the only one like this here, there are others. I consider myself an honest guy; I am 100% honest all the time. If I feel like I don’t want someone to know what im thinking I don’t lie I just keep my mouth shut. However if asked I will tell. I have always been really into a huge variety of things, but more specifically one of these things is computers. I got my first computer when I was 10 years old which I consider odd considering I was driving cars around fields at the age of 8… one fascination I have always had with computers is how people communicate using them. is one of these communication tools I have used and communicated with. is a Internet website people make profiles about themselves and often time attempt and do meet others to socialize with and sometimes even more. When I first made a account made it for these reasons and very quickly realize I could use it for more. I now do use to talk to people and communicate if some soul feels they wish to talk to me, I however very rarely initiate a conversation or ask people to be my friend. Music is a huge part of and also my life. On I usually only search for new bands that spark an interest to me, I find it so interesting how many small and unknown bands have music on there. It is a great tool to promote and spread their music, I personally know of 5 local bands that have became reasonably known because of, they use it to promote their music AND ITS FREE. I guess the reason I kinda gave up on the whole meeting new people on is because so many people just surf around looking at pictures and sending people messages with, Your hott! Your Cute! Do you have AIM Blah blah… People don’t ever even take the time to read the words and get to know something about the person before they start sending messages that just make them look dumb. I actually put in my info that if you wish that I respond to your message to send me a message with the title clipse… so I get and idea if people are really interested in you for you or for something else… to this day I have only received 6 messages with that title in the last 6 months… It is just so amazing that with all that can be done to expand horizons and get to actually know people better when you may not have the strength to talk to them people still act stupid and ignorant like they are drunk at a bar and see a beautiful soul walk by…

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