Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ay BayB Gurl, let me git dat FAYCEBOOK!

Wassup guys, my name is Eric Dial. I am currently a sophomore in AgLife hoping to major in Communication. I love playing sports, namely Basketball and Football. My favorite football team is the St. Louis Rams. I'm abnormally big, but as long as you don't spit in my face I won't harm you. I am full-blooded Native American, have 3 awesome brothers(twin, older, and younger), and go figure...I'm multi-colored!!!! I always get the "holy crap that guy has spots all over his skin" kinda look, but that's fine. Part of me digs the attention. I walked into my mom's kindergarten class one day and this little girl says to me, "You're like my dog, you're brown and white!!!" She just ran off giggling and all I could do was laugh. It is most definitely something to smile about and for the life of me, I can't understand why I used to think this was a bad thing.

"oh what's going on in my news feed!?!?!"

"i have got to update my status"

"OMG i can't believe she poked me back!"

Facebook people. I'm hooked, you're hooked, everyone and their f-ing grandma is hooked on facebook. The question is not when the madness will end, but what about facebook has kept it going for so long? Sure it started out being a way to keep in touch with relatives, friends, what have you. But so did MySpace, and whether Tom wants to admit it or not, MySpace is steadily decreasing in the amount of Cool New People. So why oh why is facebook only getting stronger? Is it because of the new applications that you are invited to join everyday? Is it the feeling of being important because someone poked you or wrote on your wall? I can't speak for everybody, but I can tell you why I check MY facebook at least 3 times a day.

I love to keep in touch with people. That's one of the biggest reasons I have a facebook account and will continue to do so. Everytime I've went on a trip or anytime I have met new people, I desperately try to keep in touch with them. Some of you might say, well that is what the cell phone is for or why don't you just e-mail them. Facebook is convenient!!!!! It's fast, it's easy, and it's free as long as you have a computer with internet access. Not only is it all of the above, but it's also fun. Facebook adds new applications every day, from letting people know your favorite team to being able to send alcoholic beverages to anyone of your choice. And who would hate that?!? Even if you don't consume alcohol, if you recieve a drink, indirectly people are telling you: "You're awesome", "I'd have a drink with you", "I'm willing to get shit faced with you" That has to make you feel special in some kind of way. Who doesn't enjoy the feeling of being invited somewhere or asked to do something or just being written to!

Ok, so who has ever met this really hot guy or girl at a party and wanted their number!?!?! If you raised your hand put it down!!!!! First time phone conversations are ALWAYS awkward. What if he or she doesn't remember you? What if they don't even remember what you look like? All my dudes out there. Let's take a walk. Don't ask a girl for them digits!!!!! Ask her for that facebook. Let me tell you what entails asking for that facebook.
1. You at least have her name!
2. Her profile pic can give you a visual case you can't remember from the previous night cause you were SO gone.
3. You have her interests!!!! A conversation starter. Not only do you know if you guys enjoy doing the same things, you can find out if you like watching the same things, reading the same things, and even listening to the same things.
4. You can befriend HER friends. Getting in good with the friends is never a bad thing.

Facebook, in my book (most definitely made a little joke right there-hell yea that was intentional- feel free to laugh), is a good thing. It is easy to understand why it has been around for a while and hasn't just been another fad. I enjoy checking it and if you don't have one, I suggest you get one.

1 comment:

Chrissy Piemonte said...

Ok first of all, the Rams? Really? Second of all, you definitely made some good points. However, since I'm a freshman, I have some real recent experience with the whole "meeting on facebook and then in person" thing, and trust me, it's awkward. Like what are you supposed to say when you meet someone for the first time or after asking for their name and creeping them on facebook? "hey, I facebook stalked you and guess what! We have some common interests!"? I think we just need to suck it up and get over the awkwardness of that first phone conversation because it's a lot less weird than already knowing things and not being able to admit to it. I do agree fully about the keeping in touch part though, and it seems like we made some of the same points. You're funny too.