Monday, September 3, 2007

My Friends Friend

I had no clue where to begin looking for some random person online to talk to, which is kind of pathetic when you think about it because it's cyberspace, and's cyberspace. It's not like billions of people use the internet, right? So anyways, to avoid the sex talk and the "What's your idea of the most romantic date ever?", I found an easier way to talk to people. Being at Cornell, I have made many friends, especially in my dormitory. So what I did was ask if a friend if I could go on their buddy list and chat with one of their friends, someone I know nothing about. I didn't want my friend to tell me anything, not even if they were male and female, so I went from there.

My friend John, who is from PA, has tons of friends whether they be from his hometown, here at Cornell, or his study abroad trip he did in Australia. After chatting with this person for about 10 minutes, I was informed that SHE also lives in PA and that she was 19. We'll say her name is "Ashley" for privacy reasons and ASHLEY'S favorite color is BLUE. She is still in HIGH SCHOOL and has a pet lab named COCO.

I got the feeling as we were talking that she was pretty uncomfortable. She thought I was John at first, but when I revealed to her that this was John's friend she definitely became a little standoffish. Time passed and she started to warm up to me. From that I incurred that she is a trusting person, and from her constant lol's, OMG's, and smiley faces I figured she must have a somewhat loving and bubbly personality. As the conversation continued the more she talked up herself. So I would say even though she seemed to have a loving personality and wouldn't care what people thought of her too much, she followed the Hyperpersonal Model, namely the selective self-presentation process. The more we talked the more she revealed about her body type and how "nice" it was. She also informed that she was pretty popular at her school and only few people disliked her. She continued to tell me that they probably dislike her because they are jealous of her. So after that non-sense I told her that I had to go take a shower and the conversation ended.

After our conversation ended, I told John what I thought about her and he said most of my impressions were pretty accurate. She does have a loving personality, but she is somewhat full of herself. He did reveal to me that the physical makeup I had of her was totally off. Though I thought she was brunette with dark eyes, turns out she was red-headed wish blue eyes. Can't win them all I guess.

1 comment:

Caton McKenna said...

I loved reading your post. It was fun for me to travel with you through cyberspace and speak with this girl on IM. I was wondering what the impact of the established relationship between John and his friend had on your conversation. According to the Hyperpersonal Model, perhaps she was fulfilling John's impression of her for you. She didn't want to stray from his perception because when you two chatted afterwards, her established image with John might be shattered. She had to remain consistent, whether subconsciously or not. Think about it :-)