Tuesday, September 4, 2007


So far, I liked the material covered in INFO245. Although it takes about 20 minutes to go back to Engineering quad. I decided to stay in this class and enjoy relatively long commute to the James auditorium. When I received assignment#2, I was a bit puzzled. I have never had an assignment like this one. So, I started looking for a random chatroom in google. I went to chatting.com and other chatting websites. However, most of the people who I encountered wanted me to tell them my asl and wanted to have a sexual conversation. It was surprising that some of them were actually thought I also have this kind of expectation from them. So, unfortunately, my search for random person to form an impression was unsuccessful. However, I want to talk about the relationship that I build over years. It was five years ago. Although I never chat with random people in these days. At that time, talking to random people was one of my hobbies. I usually went to a Korean website called buddybuddy.com. I am not sure whether it still exists or not. There I met a guy named hwang912. As usual, we told each other our age, sex, and location. He was a year older than me, living in Korea. At first, he seemed cold and not friendly because the sentences he wrote were quite short. However, as we kept talking we found out that we had common interest and common view on current events. At the end of our first conversation we gave each other email address and nickname for the instant messenger. From then we talked on the instant messenger and sent emails to each other. Although I do not talk to him as often as I did before, we still keep in touch and wish to meet sometime in person in future. I think my experience is a typical example of developmental aspect. Although, CMC has limited amount of information available to form an impression of a stranger. If one keeps talking to the person, he or she will eventually be able to know enough about this person to form a relatively correct impression.


Dina Halajian said...

Hi Soyoung! I agree that what you describe is part of the developmental aspect of the hyper personal model; that over time, you obtain a better impression. But I don’t think that the rest of what you describe corresponds to the hyperpersonal model. I think that your experiences is more closely similar to the Social Information Processing Theory. Your impression of hwang912 became more developed and comprehensive over time. Initially, the restrictions set forth by CMC’s made it difficult to understand hwang912 but over time you really got to know him. It’s interesting to note that you communicated with hwang912 through synchronous (chat) and asynchronous (e-mail) forms. I wonder if your impression of him was different depending on which form of communication you used. I would assume that instant messenger would make the person seem warmer than an e-mail would.

Eric Dial said...

Soyoung, I really enjoyed your post. It's crazy that this meeting people over the internet, even though it seemed like a fad, is still going strong. I think your impression is part of the developmental aspect of the hyperpersonal model, because he became more developed in your mind the more you communicated with him. I understand what dina is saying also though. It seems like the SIP and the developmental aspect are closely related. Your post definitely raises some questions from me that I will try a and bring up in class. Great post!