Monday, October 1, 2007

Assg.6 opt. #1- Leviathan on Myspace

Besides the Facebook phenom, Myspace has always been the site for social networking. From the media that Myspace has encountered over its existence, Myspace has become very popular in the public eye. Myspace allows users to create their own page for fellow users to look at. They can write about their interests ( movies, music, activities), personal life, jobs and academics. It gives users a chance to describe themselves for users who are either their friends or unknown individuals who they would like to meet. They can also add pictures which can depict themselves in the best view possible that would make them attractive to others.

Although there is a certain freedom in creating a personal profile to represent yourself, there are certain restrictions to what may or may not be posted. Nudity is a major area that cannot be shown on a profile. Any vulgar pictures or explicit nudity is not allowed to be presented on a page. This is a basic concept that is taught by society and is carried down into the network world. No where do you see naked billboards or naked pictures in general public magazines/newspapers. This is understood and is taught in society from adolescence. Nudity is seen as indecent exposure and has a very negative connotation to it. Online networking is pretty much society but online with the same principles and social norms. Along with nudity, comes discriminating bias attacks against another individual. Nor can you threaten or harass another individual for all the same reasons.

A Leviathan is present on Myspace to monitor the actions of its users. Officially the leviathan is Tom, the creator of Myspace. He takes charge in peoples accounts and monitors illegal or offensive actions on Myspace. Tom has the authority to delete accounts and make certain aspects of a profile not viewable to the public. He makes his presence known by sending out occasional bulletins to the network. Tom also sends a message to a new user when they first create an account on Myspace just so that everyone is aware of the social norms used on Myspace. This keeps everyone on the same page so that there is no excuse to not be aware of the regulations. It is very important that Tom keeps his presence known to keep order. It gives people a sense of security that they can report inappropriate behavior to keep the comfort level on Myspace because it is supposed to be a network of friendship. His presence also forces people to conform to the regulations because it is a constant reminder. Besides Tom, the users of Myspace serve as an unofficial leviathan. They can report illegal or offensive material posted on people’s profiles to Tom. They serve as regulators to Myspace because Tom cannot be everywhere at every present moment. The users make Myspace the environment they want it to be and so report what to them seems out of the norm for that environment. As other users see the norms that other are carrying on, they too conform to those norms and so the trend continues. Once and a while an individual arrives who doesn’t wish to conform to the social norm, but the Leviathan (either Tom or other users) regulate and fix the problem.


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