Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Assignment 4 Which is true actually?

My plan is to let my friend believe a false story, and suspend a true one.

As there is always truth bias in ftf, I choose to tell a lie though ftf. The conversion happened on the way my friend and I went to dinner. I told her in this july, when I was home, I and some high shool friends went to seaside to swim and barbecue. I told her how we put up the tent, how we made and cooked pebabs ourselves, and how we competed swimming. I tried to tell every details I can image. Like how we couldn't make the tent at first, it fell a lot; like how we cooked the pebabs bad, and ate them when still raw. We walked and talked, when we arrived, I finish this lie by changing to what to have in dinner. I grow up at seaside, so I though she may think this was true.

Then I decided to tell her a truth through IM. And at same time I wanted to tell an unbelievable fancy thing. Just in the same day, at night, we talked online. I told her a true story. I went to Summer Palace last year. It was in early august,2 in the afternoon, and really very hot. I walked in the little Fu Hill tired and hot when I found a stone couch under a big tree. So I sat down. But I was too tired, so only after a while, I lied down on the couch. Unconsciously, I fell asleep. When I got up at 9 pm, the Summer Palace have already closed, so I was trapped in the park for a night. I walked along the 728 meter Long Corridor for a night. I got out until the next day. Though this was true(believe me), I thought this would be too unimaginable for her too believe.

The next day, I told her one of these stories was fake and I needed her to tell me which one was. She was surprised at first. Then she thought for a while and said"I don't know, I think they are both false". This was totally out of my mind, for I predicted she would take the first false one as a truth. So I asked why. She said, as the first one, she knew I didn't go back home this july, so she took it as false(I regeted for that for a long time....). As for the second one, she said "You know, a person with common sense won't believe that". Then I suddenly realized I've made a stupid mistake. So I said "Did I say it is this july?...Oh , it is my mistake, that seaside story happened last summer" She nodded, smiled and said"Then it is much easier to tell, you see, you shouldn't cheat people with this Summer Palace lie next time" I nodded,saying"Yes, yes", feeling really successful and happy.

So, you see, I succeed.

1 comment:

Aleksandr Kalininskiy said...

Hi Xiangning,

I enjoyed your post a lot. I think that even though we've learned all these theories about FtF and CMC communication, there is still some bottom line to lies that goes beyond those.

From all the different posts I read today, including yours, it's been pretty clear that most are terrible at differentiating truths from lies whether they are online or not! Certainly, the media makes a difference and so does the delivery, but, especially with good friends, you are either blindly believed or distrusted depending on how you usually deal with the friend.

Also, I really enjoyed your story about the Summer Palace. I could see why most people would not believe it, and maybe you are even lying in this CMC media right now, but it's an awesome story nonetheless!