Monday, September 17, 2007

A,4,O,1 Syracuse Trip

When receiving this assignment I knew that it more then likely was going to be a failure. In my old age and much more wiser time of life I make it a point to let everyone know how much I despise lying and how much I really hate it when I am lied to. Most of my friends know this but not many know why. When I was a youngin I was rebel amongst my friends, I caused the trouble and I lied about it, all the time. By the time I was about half way through middle school I was starting to get in serious trouble because of this. I decided to make a change in my life and I from that point on attempted to not tell a lie no matter how much it hurt me. Still to this day I don’t lie and I am very honest, which still tends to get me in some trouble but not near what I was about to be in a few years back. So on to the assignment, over the weekend I traveled out to Syracuse to visit my best friend that lives up there. Unfortunately he does live in one of the worst sections of town. I attempted to use this to my advantage when calling up my girlfriend and telling her where I was and what I was doing. When I called her up I told her I had traveled up to Syracuse to visit my friend. That when by with no problem, I guess because I had really traveled up there I made it believable enough. When I moved onto the part of the conversation where I had parked around the corner of his house and I was going to be stuck up there for a while because someone had jacked the wheels off my car, even though such a thing happens commonly in this part of time she immediately did not believe me. Now she is from near Syracuse and knows of this part of town and know that big chrome wheels on a vehicle are always targets, but I suppose because of how I said it she immediately did not believe me. She detected it right on the phone and called my bluff. Now according to O’Sullivan’s Impression Management Model (IMM) this type of media I chose was perhaps to rich in order to tell this lie, perhaps I should have attempted to try text messaging instead. What ever I did I was not very good at and my lie was detected immediately. I attempted to give as little information as possible and be as ambiguous as possible, providing little to no clarity when talking to my girlfriend about the situation. I attempted to sound shook up like a person might be in that situation, unfortunately I was unable to pull off the experiment.

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