Monday, November 5, 2007

9.0: Up the Ante

Problematic internet use (PIU): “problematic behavior related to too much time online -- maladaptive cognitions and behaviors involving Internet use that result in negative academic, professional, and social consequences” (Caplan 2004).

There are many areas of the internet that can lead to problematic use. The most prominent thing that comes to my mind is World of Warcraft. However, World of Warcraft seems too cliché for this assignment, so I decided to do it on another game that can be fun and/or addictive. The game that I think could cause excessive use is online Texas Hold ‘em. Not only is it an entertaining game, it also incorporates the aspect of gambling into it.

A reason why Texas Hold ‘em online may be so addictive is because of the first point in Caplan’s theory of PIU. This first point states that individuals with psychosocial problems hold negative perceptions about their social competence. Perhaps a player of online Hold ‘em does not have the confidence in their poker abilities to play against people in real life. Online, they can start over if they lose all of their “money”. However, if playing in real life, they lose real money and are asked to leave the poker table if they do not win. Gamers who play Hold ‘em online may be weary of their social competence when it comes to playing real-life poker.

The above explanation can also be tied to the second aspect of Caplan’s theory. Individuals prefer online interaction because it is less threatening and they feel more efficacious in the online space. Players of poker online feel less threatened because there is no risk of losing money, and no threat of being shown up by more experienced players.

The second part of Caplan’s PIU theory causes preference for online interaction. This leads to excessive and compulsive online interaction, which then worsens their problems (in this case, the playing of online poker). If a player is successful and gains experience and wins “money” through Texas Hold ‘em, they will continue playing until they lose. Then, because they lost, they will want to try to be successful again by playing more, thus creating a cycle.

The PIU cycle is continuous. First, the poker player plays and creates and addiction to the game and the online gambling. By becoming obsessed with the game, they separate themselves from the real world. Because they isolate themselves, they feel more socially incompetent, and continue their problematic internet use.

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