Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A7,2 myself

For this assignment I am actually going to analyze my own facebook profile in order to try and understand what others may interpret when viewing my facebook. To do this I will refer to the Brunswikian Lens Model. First according to the Brunswikian Lens model people try to conduct themselves and leave a trace that reflects their real life personalities online. Two aspects need to be considered when analyzing myself. First the validity of cues, which means just how good am I at accurately portraying myself online as compared to myself in real life. On facebook I make self-directed identity claims to portray myself how I think I am. The best example of this is my profile picture, my picture of me is of a black and white diagonal portrait. This could possible mean that I am one that enjoys getting my picture taking in a more professional environment or possible I just don’t have any friends to take a picture with. I also make other-directed identity claims on facebook, which means I am attempting to portray a little about myself that is not so obvious. An example of this would be things like my relationship statue, my actual info about myself and my websites section. From these areas one can find out that I am a single guy and looking, that I am a local Ithacan, and that I have other websites where I display more pictures of myself and even some of the photography I have done. I also show sings of exterior residue on my facebook profile, the best example of this would be my news feed at the top of my page and also my superpoke newsfeed about who has done what to me and what I have done to others. When examining this one may notice that by what I do on superpoke I seem to have a sense of humor, an interesting one and not a sick one. From my regular news feed one can see that I tend to care about my friends and or enjoy giving advice because all of my current news is me answering there special questions from the questions application. Last, exterior behavioral residue, which is what happens to me outside of the online space is demonstrated by my pictures. Which on facebook I have very few of, this is mainly because I do not carry a camera with me and apparently do not have many friends that do either. My photo album is even very small with very few pictures. Again this could make one think I have no friends or do not enjoy ever getting out of my house and doing anything. From examining y facebook profile, and making assumptions that I made here may discourage them from wanted to contact me or ever hang out for fear of me being dry and boring. That is why in the last week I have attempted to spice it up a little and get it up to speed with who I really am.


Taek Kyun said...

Hey William,

I really liked this post, it was a very unique way to approach the assignment. For your analysis of the self-directed claims, I was under the impression that the self-directed claims were claims meant for you alone to understand and realize when you saw it on the profile and not necessarily claims of how you think you are, I may be wrong. I enjoyed your examples of each of the other factors of the Brunswikian Lens Model. Also, I'm glad to see that you're using the knowledge gained from this class to practical use. Maybe I'll go off and analyze my own profile and change some stuff around to depict the "real me", but we'll see, maybe the my profile is really me already. Thanks for the insightful post.

Eric Dial said...

Will, great post man! Hope you don't mind Will either. To be honest, i've never heard anyone refer to a person named William with William in everday conversation. Maybe you can give me the low-down on that. Anyways, i thoroughly enjoyed your post. It takes cojones to just analyze yourself like that, especially so detailed. I like how you gave an example of what you were doing and then applied it to what people may think when they read it. Really good stuff.

Anonymous said...

That was interesting – to analyze yourself. (Talk about a conflict of interest! Lol) I thought it was kind of funny that this assignment made you change your profile to more accurately reflect your personality. When I am looking at someone’s Facebook profile and they don’t seem to have a lot of pictures, I don’t usually assume that they don’t have any friends or that they’re dry and boring. On the other hand, I usually think that some people just don’t like to document every event in their lives online. One could, in fact, come to the completely opposite conclusion from the one that you drew. Not having a lot of pictures on Facebook could be a result of not having time to post because you were too busy out in the “real world” living your life.