Monday, September 24, 2007

5:1 Wish she would have told me this when we were together!

I chose to do option one because I was recently thinking about the trip I took to Florida during the summer between my sophomore and junior year. I went on a mission trip and met tons of new kids my age and it was awesome! We painted a house, help construct another house, and cleaned up many yards of people who were unable to do it themselves. Though there were many girls that I interacted with there was one girl I hardly ever spoke to during the quickest week I have ever gone through. Don't ask my why I didn't speak to her. Maybe it was because I was shy, maybe it was because she was drop dead gorgeous! Anyways, at the end of the week, everyone said there goodbyes and of course screennames were exchanged.
As most of you know where this is going, we began talking, and the more we talked the more I HATED her! I mean we had everything in common but the thorn in my side was the fact that she never mentioned all of our similarities before we SEPARATED!!!!

*On a side note, why is it that guys are expected to initiate conversation? Why can't the girls come up to us guys? I might be willing to pay a girl (I mean this is in the best way possible) whom I didn't know to come up an initiate a conversation with me!

Moving on, while I returned to South Carolina, she returned to Ohio. I, however, found out that we had just about everything under the sky in common with each other. Now when we were physically close, she still looked pretty good. However, the more we had in common, the HOTTER her visual image in my head was. I believe this fall's under Wallace's Attraction factors, specifically the factor of "common ground." This factor states that the more beliefs and views shared by both people, the more attractive they become. By the time we were done talking after a week of being apart, I was ready to fly to Ohio! That, however, did not happen. Go figure..........

Another factor that I wanted to relate to this relationship was proximity, and it's negative effect on this relationship. Now Wallace states that the closer you are to someone, i.e. proximity, the more attracted you would become to them. Even though I was ready to fly to Ohio right after we had seperated, she didn't have a myspace!!!!! With every day that passed that we didn't speak, the less attractive my visual image of her was. In this particular case, proximity had a negative effect on our relationship and I am sad to say that we no longer communicate with each other.
Go figure.......

Comment 1 to Matthew Birnbaum:

Comment 2 to William Martin:

1 comment:

Mathew Birnbaum said...

Haha, Easyyy Eric, Just take a slow breath, we can get over this girl together. I really enjoyed your post; it was funny…a little disturbing as well, haha. Trust me, don’t start paying girls; it becomes a vicious cycle that sucks you dry and then your wife is all, “Why did my Visa come up maxed out at the grocery store you putz!” I am sorry, I digress. You did a good job applying Wallace’s factors to your particular situation. I completely agree with your comments on common ground and proximity. You probably fell victim to Wallace’s law of attraction concerning proportions. You may have put more weight on your few similarities and felt even more attracted to this Ohio dream girl. My heart goes out to you that she didn’t have a myspace. I guess it truly was never meant to be.