Monday, September 10, 2007

3,2 SWG Older Female

Again this week I entered the online world of Star Wars Galaxies. I entered the world on a character that was designed to be a dancer/entertainer. This character basically is the same as the Twe’lek dancer, Oola that was seen in Jabb’s Palace as his personal dancer until she was fed to his Rancor beneath his trap door. Now when I entered the world as this character it was not the first time, but it had been a very long time since I had logged this character on. When I first started dancing in the Cantina I did not receive much attention. Now what we have to remember here is that I modeled this character after my personal image of a beautiful teenage to early twenties toon. Soon however I was very quickly beginning to get noticed. I soon developed a few regular customers over the day and by night some started to talk to me like we were face to face in real life, they started to ask me real life questions and acted as if they were truly interested in what I had to say. It was not long before I was discussing with a male character about how my other character was a bounty hunter and I was dancing in order to say up 12 million credits in order to purchase a new rifle to hunt with. Earlier this male character had asked me if I would be willing to go on a “date” with him ingame… I was hesitant because honestly this kinda weirded me out. Not to mention I was on teamspeak voice communicating with the rest of my guild, which is the other players I normally play with and they were having a field day listening to me. Soon the male character stated he would be right back and soon returned and tipped me 12 million credits for my entertainment. At this point I could not refuse but to go on a “date” with him. He brought me to all over the galaxy and eventually to a small house on tatooine where he had a dinner set up for us. After dinner I figured this had gone far enough and stated I need to go to bed. The next day when I logged on this male character messaged me and we talked a little, I felt I should tell him that I was not honest with him, I let him know I was older then I appeared. I stated I was a 47-year-old female… He did not really seem bothered at first. He was a college age male in real life, 20 years of age. Thought as the day went on he slowly began to talk to me less and less until I could not get a respond out of him…

1 comment:

Caton McKenna said...

Hey Will,
So, this Star Wars Interactive Galaxy thing, is very new to me. Are you actually speaking with the guy who was hitting on you, like through a speaker? I assume not, since he could probably tell that way if you weren't a girl. Why do you think you chose such an attractive female as your false self? The CMC date thing was hilarious, I have never heard of such a thing before. OK, enough of my ramblings.

I believe your experience was one which you use to disguise your true self in an anonymous, synchronus locus. You definitely applied the social distance theory, which states that lying is uncomfortable, and so people most often use the most "socially distant" media to lie. In this case, you would not have been able to pull off your deception FtF...I hope or even over the phone (right)? CMC was necessary in this situation for you to maintain your anonymity.